Lastly the Fridet is my ABSOLUTE FAV!!! It's known as the buttwasher!!! This conveniently helps the little ones wash their little bums!! But that's not the only reason why I love it!! The Fridet, is also used to help with women after birth!! After having a vaginal delivery (I don't know how c-sections work, both of my babies were vaginal) the hospital gives you a squirt bottle to calm everything down their and wash away anything after each trip to the potty! However, it's a SQUIRT BOTTLE!!! The water goes up and gets all over the place, or you can never use all the water! The Fridet does!!! The top is "L" shape making it easy to squirt yourself while getting all the water as possible!!! It's just better to use over all!!! If you need to travel with it, a bag is also included making it easy to travel discretely!! All three of these items are coming soon to the EverythingMrsPennLoves boutique but if you need these products now, shop online at FridaBaby.com (the Fridet is not sold in stores yet) or try your local target/walmart!! Enjoy!! #EverythingMrsPennLoves #FridaBaby #SnotSucker #Windi #Fridet #MakeThingsEasy #ComingOctoberToUs
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