Morning My Loves, I get a lot of compliments on how clear my skin is. The answer is so simple! I use Clean & Clear face wash, and I pair it with my FAVORITE moisturizer by Mary Kay (as you can see I use it so much that the words are coming off lol). My favorite face wash keeps my skin clear and actually gets all the products off my face from the night before (No I don't wash my face two times a day, I'm human lol). However, this face wash does strip your face clean so please make sure you use moisturizer after applying! You also see another two products by Olay. The foaming face wash is amazing for deli-quite skin. It doesn't strip your face like the clean and clear and it leaves moisture in your skin after use (I still recommend using a moisturizer after applying to protect your skin. If you can't find any Mary Kay retailers try the Olay moisturizer! It's great, it can get too oily so only use a little. For the Clean & Clear by Johnson and Johnson and the Olay products you can find at your local Target, Walmart or local drug store!
***Remember everyone skin is different, use at your own risk*** What's your favorite morning ritual? #EverythingMrsPennLoves #MorningRitual #ClearSkin #StayPretty
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