Hello my name is Dominique Penn wife and mother of two beautiful boys. I decided to create this blog because there are so many items and products out there that many of us would love to try but haven’t. My blog, gives you that answer. Since I am honest person, you will receive the 100% real on my view of many products and items, especially the baby products. Tune into my blog!! I hope you find my blog useful.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Rituals Repost!!

Morning My Loves, I get a lot of compliments on how clear my skin is. The answer is so simple! I use Clean & Clear face wash, and I pair it with my FAVORITE moisturizer by Mary Kay (as you can see I use it so much that the words are coming off lol). My favorite face wash keeps my skin clear and actually gets all the products off my face from the night before (No I don't wash my face two times a day, I'm human lol). However, this face wash does strip your face clean so please make sure you use moisturizer after applying! You also see another two products by Olay. The foaming face wash is amazing for deli-quite skin. It doesn't strip your face like the clean and clear and it leaves moisture in your skin after use (I still recommend using a moisturizer after applying to protect your skin. If you can't find any Mary Kay retailers try the Olay moisturizer! It's great, it can get too oily so only use a little. For the Clean & Clear by Johnson and Johnson and the Olay products you can find at your local Target, Walmart or local drug store!
***Remember everyone skin is different, use at your own risk*** What's your favorite morning ritual? #EverythingMrsPennLoves #MorningRitual #ClearSkin #StayPretty
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Recycle, Reuse, Reduce!!

Keeping Them Active!!
Tech Kids!!
#EverythingMrsPennLoves #QueitCarRides #NoCryingOrWhining #Peace
Three More Days!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Back 2 School Sale!!

What's your predictor results??

Saturday, July 26, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Punk Tee!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
I'm sooo in love with this Chanel mascara it's ridiculous!! Move over Dior there's a new sheriff in town!! If you've been following me for a while then you've seen my post about my old favorite Dior mascara, in which I still love! However, the Le Volume De Chanel is now my all time favorite!! It naturally extends my lashes without it looking like my lashes are clumped together. I've received soooo many compliments on my lashes to the point that one person thought I had on false individuals!! What makes this product even better is when you take it off, it doesn't feel like you have hard liquid on your lashes. It removes so softly like a baby's bum, without harming your lashes,no lie!! I've slept in it and it was not hard to take off the next day with a make up wipe, unlike other mascaras!!! No irritation, looks like natural extended lashes, and easy to remove!!! I love it!! This item cost an estimated $30.00 and you can find it at your local Chanel counters. EverythingMrsPennLoves #ChanelMascara #NaturalFullLashes #Beauty #Addicted
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Every Woman Must Have!

Monday, July 21, 2014
Through The Galaxy!!
Come shop these amazing backpacks by MadPax at The EverythingMrsPennLoves Boutique!! The Galaxy has lifted off! Meet Warp Speed, ruler of the 3D galaxy and beyond. Planets away from all things ordinary!! Mad Pax has decided to take this pack to the future. You'll see stars and be the star both on and off the intergalactic campus. So get yours at The EverythingMrsPennLoves Boutique an authorized dealer for MadPax!! #EverythingMrsPennLoves #MadPax #BackToSchool #College #Travel #Fun #Galaxy
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Morning Inspiration!!
Make Up!

Saturday, July 19, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Celeb Bowling Event!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Great Items!!!
Look at Zhada looking fabulous in her Roberto Cavalli dress along side her boon high chair & boon dispensing spoon!! Doesn't she look adorable??? Shop her dress, high chair and feeding spoon today at The EverythingMrsPennLoves Boutique!!! We're open today from 10:30-6!!! These are amazing items that you don't want to miss!! Call us for pricing and details at 818.990.0507!! Located at 16736 Ventura Blvd, Encino, Ca 91436!!! Hope to see you today!! #EverythingMrsPennLoves #RobertoCavalli #Boon #HighChair #DispensingSpoon #Zhada #Beautiful #ToddlerModel
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Did You Know!!

Hair Change!

Monday, July 14, 2014
Sunday, July 13, 2014
New Addition To Our Family!

Saturday, July 12, 2014
Summer Cleaning Anyone???